Nurturing Nature, Powering Progress

At Alpha Water & Power, we’re bridging necessity and sustainability through innovative, efficient water and energy solutions. Our goal: safe, clean, renewable resources for every community we touch.

Reshaping the Future, Sustainable Solutions

Our mission at Alpha Water & Power is to redefine societal relationships with water and energy. By leveraging advanced technologies and sustainable practices, we aim to deliver planet-friendly, life-enhancing solutions.

Empowering Communities, Conserving the Planet

We’re dedicated to uniting sustainability with viable solutions. Our pledge: deliver clean energy and pristine water with a minimal carbon footprint, illustrating that environmental stewardship and economic progress can exist side by side.

Ongoing Projects

Water Pipeline
Brown Grease Reclamation
EV Charging Stations
Desalination Plant


“LaSalle Management gives its strongest recommendation of Alpha and its highly professional team of project managers, engineers, and administrative staff.”

Chief Financial Officer


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