Unlock the Potential of NEVI Funding for Your EV Charging Projects

Alpha Water & Power is your expert partner in navigating the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. As part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), NEVI allocates $7.5 billion for the development of EV charging infrastructure. This includes $5 billion for nationwide funding and an anticipated $2.5 billion for corridor and community charging grants. NEVI’s goal is to facilitate equitable access to electric vehicles, reduce transportation emissions, and support the federal aim of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Are You Eligible for NEVI Funding?

NEVI funding is designed to ensure convenient, reliable, affordable, and equitable charging solutions for EV drivers. To qualify for NEVI funding, which can cover up to 80% of your project costs, your location must meet specific criteria:

NEVI Funding Program Facts

What Does NEVI Funding Cover?

NEVI funding can be allocated to a variety of installation costs. This includes preparatory site work like utility upgrades, wiring, and construction. It also covers a portion of the expenses for EV charging hardware and software.

State-Specific NEVI Requirements

Each state may have additional NEVI requirements beyond the federal standards. You can find your state’s specific standards here.

Availability of NEVI Funding

The availability of NEVI program funding varies by state. At Alpha Water & Power, we are actively working with customers across the nation to assess funding mechanisms, identify potential sites, and strategize to maximize funding opportunities.

Other Incentives

Beyond the federal NEVI program funds, individual states may offer their own incentives. Additionally, the federal government is finalizing the 30C tax credit for EV charging, potentially offering up to a 30% tax credit for installation costs.

Why Invest in EV Charging?

The growth in EV adoption is undeniable, with millions of passenger EVs already on the road. NEVI program funding presents a significant opportunity to enhance your business through EV charging:
  • Attract and retain customers.
  • Develop new revenue streams.
  • Support your sustainability objectives.
  • Position your business as an environmentally conscious brand.
NEVI funding by State Alpha Water & Power

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