Pakistan is a clear example of the far-reaching effects of the climate crisis. In the wake of the 2022 floods that claimed the lives of at least 1,700 people, destroyed millions of homes and decimated large areas of farmland, the United States has provided more than $215 million in flood relief assistance.
But the climate crisis can’t be solved by one country. It requires contributions from partners, which is why the United States and Pakistan are working together through the U.S.-Pakistan Green Alliance framework to advance cooperation in climate-smart agriculture, renewable energy and water management.

The U.S.-Pakistan Green Alliance framework also aims to promote inclusive, sustainable economic growth by expanding bilateral trade and investment and creating new jobs, industries and opportunities.
At a July 6, 2023, event commemorating the partnership, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome said, “The Green Alliance framework isn’t only about mitigating climate change and environmental degradation. It also offers Pakistan tremendous economic opportunity by recognizing that green choices are also increasingly profitable and demanded by private markets.”

The Green Alliance partnership builds on a rich history of U.S.-Pakistan partnership. The United States invested in Pakistan’s electrification more than 50 years ago, constructing dams and hydropower plants that continue to provide reliable, efficient and clean energy today.
These projects dramatically increased Pakistan’s electricity capacity — today powering the homes of more than 50 million people. The dams also help to prevent catastrophic water shortages, mitigate the effects of flooding and expand agricultural productivity.
One of several priority projects under the Green Alliance framework was the completion of a $150 million project to refurbish and improve the Mangla Dam Hydro Power Station’s power generation capacity in collaboration with the private sector and Pakistan’s Water and Power Development Authority.

The Mangla Dam is one of three Pakistani dam renovation projects the United States has funded.
Other Green Alliance initiatives include:
The Green Alliance partnership builds on a rich history. In the 1960s, the United States backed Pakistan’s Green Revolution, which boosted crop yields, improved economic opportunities for Pakistanis, increased food security and life expectancy.
The U.S.-Pakistan Green Alliance framework doesn’t just face the climate crisis — it addresses it with innovation, solidarity and partnership and represents the power of collective action.
“As we look back on more than 75 years of friendship between the United States and Pakistan, we should be proud of our accomplishments,” Blome said. “From the Green Revolution of the 1960s to today’s U.S.-Pakistan Green Alliance, we have forged a partnership that has weathered many challenges and become stronger for them.”